Charity Spotlight: Mosaic Georgia

Hi all you #BeautifulAndCapable!
As we start this new month, I’m excited to share that we’ll be partnering with and donating funds to a charity that is near and dear to my heart!
Mosaic Georgia, the sexual assault & children’s advocacy center here in Gwinnett County, is doing incredible work here in Georgia to be a place of safety, health, and justice for those victimized by sexual assault.

Founded in 1986 as Gwinnett Rape Crisis to provide support to victims through a crisis line and accompaniment through forensic medical exams (aka, “rape kit” exam), Mosaic Georgia is a ‘dual services’ center with specialized services for children, teens, and adults. We provide free, confidential support and services to victims and survivors of rape, sexual assault, and child sexual molestation and abuse. We work with survivors of all genders regardless of when the violence occurred and whether they choose to report. Support to children and their non-offending caregivers are offered with care.

This June, we’ll be kicking off summer the best way I know how - giving back!
All month long, 20% of all the sales from our online store and 100% of tips will be going to Mosaic Georgia and I will be matching contributions up to the first $500 raised.
Throughout the month, we’ll have events, both online and in the store, where a portion of the proceeds will also go to Mosaic. Be on the lookout for details and make sure to be signed up for our emails to be the first to see the announcements!
On Sunday, June 13, I’ll be going live on Instagram & Facebook to talk with Marina Peed, the executive director at Mosaic Georgia, to talk about what they do and how they serve our community! Make sure to mark your calendars for 6/13/2021 at 2PM!
Last year, we raised over $2000 and we have a BIG goal to DOUBLE that this year! Will you help us?
If you want to learn more about Mosaic Georgia, visit their website and tune in to our live!
We’re so excited to give back with you this June!
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